Monday, May 18, 2009

I can feel it, summer is almost here.....

I was out at the lake yesterday (May 17th) getting things all cleaned up. The guys were also there getting the water hooked up for "our bay". That's always a good sign that summer is just around the corner!

I wasn't so sure the weather was going to be all that great, it was so windy at home when I left. But what a beautiful day it turned out to be. It didn't take me all that long to get things cleaned up, so that was nice. I was able to sit back and relax a bit with my friend Susan (from the other end of the bay) at her place. We sat on the lawn chairs and just watched the boats go by and just took in the great view.

The last time I was out at the lake (giving my place a fresh new coat of much needed paint) we discovered right at the top of our hill, a BIG Eagles nest! I was so excited! The eagle was flying over us, right at the top of the trees and we saw it land in the nest! We never would have spotted it if we hadn't seen it land there. So now that will be fun to keep an eye on that this summer. Maybe if I'm lucky, I'll get some good pictures to post.

Things have been a bit slower than I had hoped in getting this website to where I want it to be right now due to the death of my step dad and also me getting laid off. I was in the same industry for 18 years. I am trying to recover from both of these events so that I can get done all the great things that I have in mind for
Thank you for your patience!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Getting things ready at the lake

Karen, Katrina and I went out to the lake last week end. What a difference a couple of weeks makes! All the ice was gone! Docks were out, boats were out and people were opening up their cabins! Really gave me some major cabin fever!
I was able to get my own garage cleaned out at home with all the things that I have accumulated over the winter for the cabin. Now I have to get it all cleaned out at the lake! One thing leads to many others. Although, I really do not mind having to get things ready there, knowing what we all have to look forward to.
I am on the lookout for a couple of major items - like a new dock for starters! Just starting to educate myself on what's out there. Man, you can really spend some big $$ on them. I had no idea!! Guess when you are kids and your dad does all the work, who even thinks about having to pay for all of that! It all just magically appears. Funny how that works.
I still have lots of work to get done on the website. It's definately been a learning process, one that I love!
Tell your Big Marine Lake Friends all about us!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter! It's been a while since I've written! I have been busy getting flyers out to the local residents of Big Marine Lake. I still have more neighborhoods to cover, I am hoping to have them done this next week end. Then I will start concentrating on the local businesses. I had an especially great conversation with the owner of the Big Marine Lake Store! We have lots of fun ideas for the upcoming summer.
The people/businesses that I have had personal conversations with are very excited about this new site!! The more I talk with people, the more that I am convinced that this has been the right thing to do. They love the idea of "connecting" with neighbors and LOCAL businesses. Getting the WORLD WIDE WEB down to the local level. This seems to be the trend.
This picture of the "frozen lake" was taken a few weeks ago, right from the spot where my dock should be! Can't wait for summer!! I'm counting down!
Please feel free to send me any comments or suggestions for this site.
Have a great week!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My First Official Blog!!

This blog is dedicated to all the people of Big Marine Lake! I want to share with you how this idea of got started. I have been coming out to the lake for the past 10 summers for girls week ends at my friend Susan's place. I grew up on a lake and knew I just had to someday have a place of my own. Well last summer, my dream came true!! Susan told me of a place for sale on the other side of her bay. My daughter Karen and I took a drive up there (only 35 minutes from home! another awesome reason to love it!) on Mothers Day to check it out. We knew right away we wanted it!! And the rest as they say "is history!!"

Being a new cabin dweller as you know, you need LOTS of "things" to get started. One of which was a boat. So my son Jonny found one for us on Craig's List. The list of what else is needed goes on and on.

So as Susan and I sat around a campfire we started talking about how we should have a Craig's List for the Lake. The ideas kept flowing and flowing and have not ever stopped!
We are still working on our site and have many more ideas of what should be on it, so with many more campfires to look forward to this summer, we know there will LOTS of exciting things to look forward to!